- Business services ▲
- Manufacturing ▼
- Healthcare products & services
- Industrial products & services
- Consumer products & services
- Value-added distributors
- Technology products and services ▲
- Food & beverage manufacturers
- Software companies
- Logistics, transportation & warehousing ▲
- Government services ◄
- Outsourced professional services
- Aerospace, military & defense ▼
- Educational products & services ▼
- Medical and dental practices ◄
- Financial services ▲
- Insurance companies
- Packaging & containers ◄
- Building materials ▼
- Energy products & services ◄
- Engineering services ◄
- Entertainment ◄
- Environmental Services ◄
- Infrastructure ▼
- Landscaping ◄
▲Increased interest ▼Decreased interest ▲ New to the list (Blank) no change
* Private equity groups, corporations, and high net worth individuals have contacted O’Keeffe & O’Malley in the last 60 days with their investment criteria. The list is ranked in order by the number of interested parties in each type of business segment. Size, earnings, and other criteria have been left out. For specific details on these buyers please contact O’Keeffe & O’Malley at 913.648.0185.