Spencer Fane Will Acquire Bone McAllester | O'Keeffe & O'Malley

Spencer Fane Will Acquire Bone McAllester

Aug 31, 2021

Spencer Fane will combine with Nashville-based midsized law firm Bone McAllester Norton in a deal set to take effect Oct. 1, the firms said Wednesday.

Kansas City, Missouri-based Spencer Fane will gain about 40 lawyers from 20-year-old Bone McAllester through the merger and expand its footprint into the Nashville market.

Spencer Fane, which currently has more than 330 lawyers in 19 offices, saw its revenue increase by nearly 17% in 2020 compared to 2019, bringing it from $130.8 million to $152.8 million.

Firm leaders in the Wednesday announcement highlighted geography and cultural fit as factors in the decision to join forces.

"While our firms certainly share strengths in terms of legal practice, the excitement about our combination stems from a mutual realization that our firms are aligned culturally around a similar set of core values," Pat Whalen, chair of Spencer Fane, said in a statement. He also noted Bone McAllester's "exceptional reputation in the rapidly growing Nashville market."

Charles Robert Bone, president and CEO of Bone McAllester, said in a statement the firm "felt there was something decidedly different about Spencer Fane."

"Ultimately, being a part of their platform will enable us to expand and continue to attract first-rate attorneys, better serve current and future clients, and strengthen our commitment to the Nashville community."

For more information about Spencer Fane, visit their website.