Apr 02, 2014
Is your business ready to sell now? Whether you plan it or not, at some point in time, your business will transition in some way to someone else. Often, the perfect buyer comes along when the business owner least expects it, and is willing to pay top dollar based on the existing condition of the business. If you are not always prepared, you will have left money on the table. Ideally, you should always be enhancing your business.
We have identified below some steps to enhance your business. Some require a change in how you run your business, but the end result will greatly improve the value of your company:
These are just some of the ways to enhance the value of a business. Each situation is unique, and you and your advisor are the ones who can best determine what will make your business more attractive to buyers. Taking every opportunity to enhance the value to your business now will certainly provide a more favorable outcome for you at the end of the transaction.
For advice customized to your company's unique situation, contact Mike O’Malley at 913-648-0185.